Briargate is a great North Colorado Springs neighborhood that has a lot going for it. There's a wide range of homes in many different price ranges, but it can sometimes be a challenge to find smaller homes in an affordable price range in Briargate. Home values tend to be higher here because of it's desirable location in the north end of town, close to major shopping centers and new retail developments. It is also located within Academy District 20, which tends to be a school district that folks gravitate towards.
While many buyers may think of the higher end neighborhoods of Pine Creek and Cordera when they think about Briargate, there are some older neighborhoods here as well that were built long before those newer developments were even planned. It is in these older neighborhoods where buyers can find some better deals. Some of these homes are updated, some are not. Here's the latest listings of 3+ bedroom, 2+ bathroom homes in Briargate that fall under (in some cases well under) the $400,000 mark.
Here's Matching Listings:
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